

  一、中文地址翻译成英文技巧:中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,如:X国X省X市X区X路X号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国。掌握终于知道滴滴封号怎么提前解封了这个原则,翻译起来就容易多终于知道滴滴封号怎么提前解封了! 小编悄悄告诉你使用霹雳爸爸海淘是可以直接填写中文地址的哦~

  室用Room,号用No.,单元用Unit,多少号楼用Building No...,街道用Street,路用Road,区用District,县用County,镇用Town,市用City,省份用Province,国家不用说终于知道滴滴封号怎么提前解封了肯定是China啊!

  中文地址翻译范例:江苏南京市江宁区翠屏花园9栋516Room 516, 9th Building,Cuiping Garden, Jiangning District,NanJing, China

  姓名填写注意:在英文语法里,和中文不一样,姓氏是写在后面的,First name是名字,Last name是姓。


  First name:San

  Last name:Zhang一:下单后,订单一直不发货,催商家发货!

  Dear Sir/Madam,I have placed an order with No.(订单号)on (订单日期), and received order confirmation e-mail in the same day. But the status still shows 'in process' today. Since the website showed“Delivery period: 10 work days ”when I placed the order, I kindly ask if you might accelerate the speed of processing. Thanks! Best wishes!

  以上模版大致意思:我在贵网站XX日下了单,订单号是XX,当天就收到了确认邮件。但是直到今天还是提示我订单在处理中。我下单的时候网站告诉我预计发到XX地方要花十天,所以我现在想是否可以调整我这个订单的运输速度选项呢终于知道滴滴封号怎么提前解封?尽快发货! 谢谢!


  Dear Sir/Madam,I have put an order yesterday, and have received your order confirmation e-mail.Today I want to check my purchase information . But I can't sign in. It shows me "Please confirm your registration first. You have received an e-mail for this. Check your input values." The problem is, I have never received any e-mail for comfirm my registration until now. Please help me. Thank you.




  Dear Sir/Madam,I have just completed my order on your website. I write this letter just to make sure that I would have all the things I ordered shipped in one single package. Please do not separate them into several packages. Thank you.

  以上模版大致意思:你好,我在贵网站上下了单,我写本邮件想要求贵网站帮我把所有预定的货物合成一箱发出来,不要分开发。 谢谢!


  Dear Sir/Madam,I have ordered a (买的东西名字)on your website, the item had been shipped on(发货日期), the tracking number is (国外物流单号).Now my problem is that I haven’t receive this item for X(X为数字) days,Could you help me to check where is it now? (已经X天了我还没有收到货,能否帮我查一下?)I found that my package was wrong delivered, my address is XXXXXX. Could you help me to check this problem?(我发现我的包裹发到别的地方去了,我的地址是XXX 能否帮我处理?)I received it but this item was not what i ordered on your website, could you help me to replace it?(我已经收到了包裹,但发错货了,能否帮我更换)


  dear Sir/Madam,I have orderd from your website recently,my order number is (订单号), because of technical problem from your website, this oder was created and confirmed twice. After communication, one of them was cancelled. However, due to this reason and currency exchange, I was charged by the bank a certain amount of administration fee XX.XX Euros, which was supposed not to be paid if technical problem did not occur.Therefore, I wish I could be compensated because of it . Attached is the picture of my bank statement. The part highlighted in red is the administration fee I paid. Regards.



  Dear Sir/Madam,Hello, recently I orderd from your website,my order number is xxx(订单号). while now I don't need all the goods of this order. Please help me to cancel this order. Thank you. Best regards!

  以上模版大致意思:你好,最近我在你们网站下单了,我的订单号是xxx,但是现在我现在不需要这个订单上的所有产品了,请帮我取消订单,谢谢!(如果你只是想取消这个订单上的部分产品,就说I don't need some of them,they are(产品名字).....灵活变化吧!



  Dear Sir/Madam,Excuse me, I have ordered a (买的东西名字)on your website, my order number is xxx(订单号). I have received the parcel . But now I don't need these goods. May I return them to your website? Please provide return label number to me! Thanks you. Best regards!



  Dear Sir/Madam,Hello, I ordered from your website days ago,my order number is xxx(订单号). Now I have received the parcel of this order. Unfortunately, the goods in this parcel is broken. I will provide you the photo. Could you arrange the replacement or return the payment to me. Thank you.Best regards!



  Dear Sir/Madam,Hello, I ordered from your website days ago,my order number is xxx(订单号). Now I have received the parcel of this order. Unfortunately, the goods that (产品名字) were not in this parcel. Please check the missing shipments and arrange the replacement for me, or return the payment to me, thank you. Best regards!



  Dear Sir/Madam,Hello,I orderd from your website days ago, my order number is xxx(订单号),the item I bought on xxx(购买日期)was $25(当时购买的价格,具体自己写),but now it just need $15(现在的价格),the price difference made me so unhappy, now so I strongly request price match, which is $10(差价,具体按照自己的差价金额来写). Please refund the price difference to my original credit card. Thanks.



  Dear Sir/Madam,Excuse me, I have ordered a (买的东西名字)on your website, which was placed on xxx(xxx为订单日期),my order number is xxx(订单号). However,you cancelled it without notifying me. May I know the reason? IF you want to confirm my information, I will tell you all of them, my billing address is xxx(账单地址信息),if there's anything else you want to know,please tell me directly!Finally, I am seriously interested in the products on your website, thanks!Looking forward to hearing from you soon!



  Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,wie bei anderen Kunden ist Amazon mein lieblingsonline-shop. Ich bestelle immer die Waren für mein Baby und Famillien bei Amazon. Das mit meiner Email eröffnete Konto ist leider von Ihnen geschlossen, nach meiner letzten Einkauf. Ich kann das nicht verstehen, warum Sie das Konto geschlossen haben. Ich habe nur ein Konto und bezahle ich immer mit meiner Kreditkarte. Es gibt gar keinen Schuld und was nicht Ordentliches. Nach Ihrer Email ist mein Konto verwandt mit anderen Konten, die geschlossen werden muss, das finde ich unfair. Ich bin relativ neu bei Amazon und habe auch keine anderen Konten. Sie sollten mein Konto nicht einfach ohne Grund schliessen.Ich bette darum, dass Sie mein Konto wieder eröffnen, damit noch einkaufen kann und meinen Freunden Amazon.de noch empfehlen kann. Ich bin kein Deutsche, aber ich glaube, ich kann auch bei Amazon.de was bestellen, weil Amazon wirklich globalisiert ist.Mit freundlichen Grüssen


  Dear Sir/Madam,Hello,I am your loyal customer on this website, my order number is xxx(订单号,证明你是这个网站的用户),while I found my account was closed after my last purchase, and now I was forbidden by your website, I don't know the reason, and I think it's unfair without notifying me, is there something wrong with my credit card or something else?please re-open my account,I am really your loyal customer to buy products from your website with my own credit card and billing address,thanks! Looking forward to hearing from you soon.











  • 2023-08-16 00:15:29

